
How to blog like you mean it

How do I write meaningful blogs

In one of Mercer Mayer’s picture books, there’s a line my kids love about Grandma’s prize-winning blueberry pie.

When Grandma once again scoops the pie prize at the annual fair, Little Critter wonders, what makes Grandma’s pie taste so good?

The answer?

Because she bakes it with love.

A few nights ago, as I turned the pages of that book, it occurred to me that Grandma would do well in the digital world. Because when it comes to creating content, your intentions matter.

Just like those pie judges, your readers can sense the energy you bring to your work, your blogs, and your social media posts. They feel the passion and emotion in your words. They notice the little details, the ones that show you truly understand their worlds.

On the other hand

  • If you’re bashing out another blog just to tick it off the list,
  • If you’re posting out of obligation or because some social media guru told you that you had to post X times per day,
  • If you’re sharing scarcely relevant material, just to have something to say

Then your clients are going to feel that. They’ll feel your lack of clarity, focus and conviction. The disconnect between your business and your content will be confusing.

So how do you infuse your work with the right energy?

  1. Plan your content. No late night, last minute what-the-heck-am-I-going-to-post-today panics. If you can’t stretch to a full editorial calendar, than at least spend a few minutes on Sunday night or Monday morning mapping out your ideas for the week.
  2. Make writing pleasurable. Block out time to write and create little writing rituals. Go to your favourite café for a Wi-Fi free creation hour (or two). Or make a nice pot of tea, pop a flower in a jar and a scented candle on your desk, and if it doesn’t interfere with your concentration, put on some low-key background music. Shut down the internet and all other distractions.
  3. Be clear on your intentions. Before you write, ask yourself, what is my intention for this piece of writing? How do I want my audience to feel? What would I love for my readers to take away from this work? Before you dive in, take five minutes to write about your intentions in your journal. This will help you get into the right space.
  4. Pay attention to feedback. Let your audience be your guide. Notice what they respond to, what they appreciate and what they are asking for help with, then show up in service of those needs.

Are you ready to write from the heart? Sign up for my ‘Write to the Heart of Your Message’ workbook – 12 Essential Questions to Refine Your Core Message, so you can write for your business with clarity, focus and passion.

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